Aarti Bajaj


CEO, Wild Dreamer Productions

The Meera Curtain Raiser RECAP

22nd July, 2018 marked a memorable date in the calendar of Meera Production: the day the curtain was raised, the coast’s creative leaders were in attendance, and the Meera was announced to the entire city of Gold Coast.

The Curtain Raiser of Meera the Production took place at Marriot Hotel, Surfers Paradise, and Aarti Bajaj put all of her efforts, energy and love into making this beautiful event come to life. The room was lit up with the gorgeous decoration overflowing with purple and pink flowers, lavished with white pearls and sparkling little trees. The entrance was filled with a huge presence of Meera herself, and the whole room was brought to life with members of the cast and crew attending in full Indian traditional clothing. 

The event began with a breathtaking dance by Meera starting at 12:20pm – with media and press like Channel 9 News capturing the spectacle. 150 special guests from all over Gold Coast and Brisbane were invited to witness the ultimate marrying of love, music, art and drama. His Worship the Mayor Cr Tom Tate and Mayoress Ruth Tate were the chief guest of the ceremony forwarded by Bob Lacastra, Mr MP JP Langbroek, Ms Nicolle Julia Edwards (CEO of Rize Up Australia) along with a list too long to name.  After the official launch of the production, Aarti Bajaj, the face and soul of Meera herself, made her entrance with a heart-stopping dance.

All the cast and crew showed up in the ended with their beautiful colorful traditional Indian clothes – catching many audience members by surprise with their seamless entrance! This huge surprise lit up the room and the faces of everybody in the audience, colours everywhere, passion overflowing. The entire room was in the moment of awe. His Worship the Mayor Tom Tate welcomed and encouraged Aarti in her contribution of bringing the different backgrounds together to create one magical world of love and inspiration. He also talked about the arts and their relevance to stimulating the Gold Coast economy and proving their arts and culture can be used to turn viable projects. 

Nicolle Julia from Rize Up also appreciated Aarti on her efforts and dedications, touching on the importance of arts in talking the challenges faced with violence against women. She asks everyone to stand together no matter what their gender, their background, and their culture, she believes that Aarti’s dedication and efforts are key woman empowerment. Aarti Bajaj, the creator of Meera, shared her story and journey from the beginning of struggle. She shared that how she started as a “one-man army” last year, to now today standing amongst cast of 300 local amateurs and trained professionals volunteering their time to bring this very special production to life. 

With teams working around the world from the likes of Bond University, City of Gold Coast and Federation of Indian Communities in Queensland, along with the support of sponsors such as Priceline Pharmacy, Brisbane Indian Times, Saffron Indian Gourmet and more, all will stand together to pull off this show of a lifetime this 4th November 2018. 

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