7 Fascinating facts about Meera The Production
AARTI BAJAJCEO, Wild Dreamer Productions 7 Fascinating facts about Meera The Production With less than two months until Meera performs live on the main stage at the HOTA this November,…
AARTI BAJAJCEO, Wild Dreamer Productions 7 Fascinating facts about Meera The Production With less than two months until Meera performs live on the main stage at the HOTA this November,…
AARTI BAJAJCEO, Wild Dreamer Productions Mayor Tom Tate Raises the Curtain with Meera "isn’t it wonderful that Aarti is able to bring the love and the colourfulness of Rajasthan to…
AARTI BAJAJ CEO, Wild Dreamer Productions A Gold Coast FLASH MOB Like None Other It all started with spontaneous music and two dancers, before the entire Cavil Avenue Mall was…
AARTI BAJAJ CEO, Wild Dreamer Productions Meera x QAHS Performance Workshops "I believe arts education in music, theatre, dance, and the visual arts is one of the most creative ways we have to…
AARTI BAJAJCEO, Wild Dreamer Productions The Meera Curtain Raiser RECAP 22nd July, 2018 marked a memorable date in the calendar of Meera Production: the day the curtain was raised, the…
AARTI BAJAJ CEO, Wild Dreamer Productions Dancing with Meera "The dance can reveal everything mysterious that is hidden in music, and it has the additional merit of being human and…
AARTI BAJAJ CEO, Wild Dreamer Productions What Makeup Means to Meera Talent artists deserve to be showcased, and the makeup artists involved in the stage production Meera are no exception...…
AARTI BAJAJCEO, Wild Dreamer Productions An Outfit For for a Princess One person’s dream comes to reality when many souls start visualizing it with same passion and integrity. The force…